Case interest | Branch / (party's capacity at court) | Case result / (Status of last resolution) | Number of cases / Instance, year |
Potential interest: BGN 42 000, claim interest:BGN 19 875 |
An individual Vs. Foreign corporation branch; contractual liability; Public procurement (Plaintiff) | Claim entirely satisfied (IN FORCE) | Regional court /2022 | BGN 358 000 | An individual Vs. the NRA's Tax audit act (subsidiary liability) (State tax authority) (Applicant) | Tax Audit Act revoked entirely (Not final) | 2/ Administrative Court of Sofia-City /2022 | Potential interest: BGN 15 000 |
A corporation Vs. enforced sealing of business premises by the NRA (State tax authority) (Applicant) | Tax authority action revoked entirely (FINAL) | 2/ Supreme Administrative Court /2022 | Potential interest: BGN 240 000 | A corporation Vs. enforced sealing of business premises by the NRA (State tax authority) (Applicant) | Tax authority action revoked entirely (In force) | 1/ Administrative Court of Sofia-district /2021 | BGN 5 252 | Individuals Vs. Sofia Heating Company (Plaintiffs) | Claims entirely satisfied (In force) | 1/ Regional Court (In force) /2021 | BGN 4 400 | Sofia Central Heating Company Vs. Individual (Defendant) | Claim partially rejected to the amount of BGN 2810 (In force) | 1/ Regional Court (In force) /2021 | Potential interest: BGN 120 000 |
A corporation Vs. NRA, enforced sealing of business premises by the NRA (State tax authority) (Applicant) | Tax authority action revoked entirely (In force) | 1/ Administrative Court of Sofia-district /2020 |
BGN 10 9524 | An individual Vs. Bulgaria (an international Human rights procedure under the ECHR - (Applicant)) | Claim partially satisfied for monetary compensation of damages to the amount of BGN 32 270 (In force) | 1/ European Court of Human Rights /2020 |
BGN 500 | A corporation Vs. the State tax authority's penalty decree (Applicant) | Tax penalty decree revoked entirely (In force) | 1/ Regional Court /2020 Administrative Court of Sofia /2020 |
N/A | Individual Vs. Traffic police (Applicant) | Penalty decree revoked (In force) | 1/ Regional Court /2020 |
BGN 9 500 | Syndic of an insolvent corporation Vs. individuals (Defendant) | Case terminated (Final) | 2/ Supreme Court of Cassation /2020 |
BGN 275 | Debt collection Sofia Heating Company Vs. individual (Defendant) | Claim entirely rejected (In force) | 1 / Regional Court /2019 |
BGN 23 587 | Real property partition - Phase One (Plaintiff) | Maintains in force | 3/ Supreme Court of Cassation / 2018 |
BGN 4 828 | Debt collection Sofia Heating Company Vs. individual (Defendant) | Claim partially rejected to the amount of BGN 3593.36 (Final) | 1 / Regional Court / 2019 Sofia City Court /2020 |
BGN 2834 | Debt collection Sofia Heating Company Vs. client (Defendant) | Claim partially rejected to the amount of BGN 1680,80 (Final) | 1 / Regional Court / 2017 Sofia City Court /2020 |
BGN 19 655 | Contesting a Real property transfer Contract (Defendant) | Claim entirely rejected (Final) | Supreme Court of Cassation / 2018 |
BGN 8067 | Contesting of а civil claim (Defendant) | Claim entirely rejected (Final) | 1 / Regional Court / 2017 СГС / 2019 |
N/A | First case for Bulgaria for a specific change of civil registration data (Applicant) | Application satisfied (Final) | 2 / Sofia City Court / 2017 |
N/A | International Convention on Road Traffic / Driver's License Recognition (Applicant) | Application entirely satisfied (Final) | 1 / Administrative Court of Sofia / 2016 |
Potential Interest: Up to BGN 6000 | Unjust Inactions of the Administration (Applicant) | Applicationentirely satisfied (In force) | 1 / Regional Court, 2016 |
Potential Interest: Up to BGN 6000 | Private Property Ownership on land Restitution (Applicant) | Applicationentirely satisfied (Final) | 2 / Regional Court, 2015 - 2017 |
Up to BGN 10 000 | Civil Litigation / Judicial Debt Collection (Plaintiff) | Writs of Execution | 8 / Regional Court, 2014 |
BGN 50 000 | Easements / Unjust Enrichment (Defendant) | Claim entirely rejected (Final) | 3 / Supreme Court of Cassation / 2014 |
BGN 10 000 | Energy Law /Appeal against Regulations (Applicant) | State Tax Regulation revoked - Applicationentirely satisfied (Final) | 2 / Supreme Administrative Court - cassation /2013 |
Potential Interest: BGN 50 000 | Private Ownership on Forest Estates Restitution (Applicant) | Restoration of over 52 ha of Forest Estates - Applicationentirely satisfied (Final) | 1 / Regional Court, 2009 - 2012 |
BGN 4000 | Contract Law / Unjust Enrichment (Defendant) | Rejected Civil Claims (Final) | 6 / Regional Court; District Court, 2012-2013 |
N/A | Energy Law / Price Regulation (Applicant) | Tacit refusal abrogated - Applicationentirely satisfied (Final) | 5 / Supreme Administrative Court - first instance, cassation, 2011 - 2012 |
Potential Interest: BGN 23000000 |
Competition Law / Abuse of Dominant Position (Applicant) | Revokation of a First Instance Court Resolution, case reversed - Applicationentirely satisfied (Final) | 1 / Supreme Administrative Court - cassation, 2012 |
Potential Interest: over BGN 1000000 |
Competition Law / Abuse of Dominant Position Allegations (Defendant) | Allegations of abuse waived; terminated procedure (In force) | 1 / Commission for Protection of Competition, 2011 |